Our Nursery Rooms...
Teddy Bear Room

Our Teddy Bear room caters for 6 babies, with a 1:3 ratio. We have a small, familiar team of practitioners who work tirelessly to build strong attachments with the babies and make them feel safe and settled at Charley Barleys.
We understand how daunting it can be to leave your baby for the first time, and so the team are excellent at building strong partnerships with parents to ensure every babies individual needs and routine are followed within the nursery setting.
The prime areas of learning (Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development) are planned within every activity offered to babies, to build a strong foundation for every baby.
When babies are around 15/16 months and ready for the next stage in their educational journey, they transition into the Panda room. This room in on the same floor and therefore is already very familiar to every baby, which enables a smooth transition.
Panda Bear Room

Our Teenie children are aged between 15/16 months to 2 and a half years old. We have availability for 15 children, and the ratio is 1:3 for children under the age of 2, and 1:5 for children aged 2 years old.
Our amazing core team of Teenie staff are fantastic at supporting the children to feel safe, secure and begin to play alongside the other children, knowing their familiar people are nearby. The team recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents/ carers and will regularly provide updates on what they are working on with their key children, along with suggesting ways parents/ carers can support their child at home.
In this room, the prime areas of learning (Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development) are fundamental to children’s lifelong development, and as a result the team can be found on the floor engaging with the children throughout the day, modelling early play skills and developing early language and social interaction.
Fuzzy Bear Room

Our Toddler room has space for 16 children, with a ratio of 1:5 for children aged 2 years, and 1:8 for children aged 3 years old. Children join Toddler room when they are 2 and a half years, until the September before they transition to school.
We have a wonderful Toddler team that are so nurturing and caring, whilst also developing their characteristics of effective learning and creating an environment where children want to take risks, have a go and explore.
Every activity for the children is planned with their interests at the centre, as children can only learn and develop when they are motivated and stimulated. Therefore the team actively encourage parents/ carers to share information on activities their children are enjoying at home, so they can build upon this within the setting; this reinforces a Charley Barleys belief that children’s learning and development continues between the home and nursery environment.
The Fuzzy Bear room has a free flow garden which children can access at any time of the day. We also strongly believe that stopping children’s learning should be minimal and therefore is not interrupted at transition times such as snack time and garden time. Therefore we afford children the autonomy to decide when they would like snack and where they would like to play.
Polar Bear Room

Children join the Polar Bear room in the September before they transition to school. The ratio in this room is 1:8, and has availability for 13 children, which mean every child experiences a 1:6/ 1:7 ratio instead, which offers the children more individual time with their key person.
The team will completely follow the children’s interests and build upon these, whilst also recognising and incorporating parents/ carers valuable knowledge into the planning; every month parents/ carers are invited to share their perspectives on what their child is interested in at home, what they are learning and what they are confident doing, so the key person can adopt this into their own planning, allowing for a continuation of learning between the home and nursery environment.
The caring and experienced staff within this room are fantastic at supporting every child’s well-being, learning and development throughout the year, in preparation for school. Our aim is that, by the end of the Preschool year, every child is happy, confident, excellent communicators, social, inquisitive, eager to learn and ready to explore, to prepare them for the transition to school