A typical day at the nursery...
Babies routine
8am-9am Breakfast and free play good morning song
9am- 9.30am Checking nappies and getting ready for the garden
9.30am-10am Garden time
10am - 10.20am Free play and free flow morning snack
10.20am Nappies checking again before lunch, free play and an adult led activity (messy play)
11am Music and singing times, babies can free play
11.30am Lunch
12pm Nappies
12.15pm - 12:30pm Sleep times
1pm Afternoon children are welcomed and goodbyes said to morning children
1pm - 2pm Free play and afternoon welcome song
2pm Free flow afternoon snack and afternoon nappies
2.30pm Garden time
3pm Free play with another adult led activity
4pm Home nappies and free play
5pm Tea and children home times with free play
6pm Day ends

Pre-school routine
8am-9am Breakfast and free play
9am Good morning to our friends
9.15am Group times then back into free play (nappies being checked)
10am - 10.20am Free play and free flow morning snack
10.20am Adult led activity (messy play) childrens choice of activities
10.50am Stories read to our friends and one another
11.20am Garden time
11.50am Music and dance
12.00pm Lunch
1pm Afternoon children are welcomed and goodbyes said to morning children
1pm Free play and afternoon welcome song
2pm Afternoon group times then back into free play nappies checked
2.30pm Free flow afternoon snack
3.30pm Garden time
4pm Free play
5pm Tea and children home times
6pm Day ends